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The link between physical activity and executive function

2023 04 19 092014

Summer is an ideal time to exercise more.  You know exercise improves your physical body, but did you know it also has a positive effect on your mind?

Physical activity is not only good for our physical health but also for our cognitive abilities. In recent years, several scientific studies have focused on the link between physical activity and executive function. Executive function is a set of mental skills that helps us regulate our behavior, plan and organize tasks, and control our emotions.

One study conducted by Hillman et al. (2014) examined the effects of physical activity on executive function in children. The researchers found that regular physical activity improved cognitive control, memory, and attention in children. Another study by Chang et al. (2012) found that physical activity improved executive function in older adults.

A meta-analysis by Verburgh et al. (2014) looked at the effects of physical activity on executive function in both children and adults. The analysis found that physical activity had a positive effect on cognitive control, working memory, and selective attention.

Furthermore, a 2015  study found that physical activity not only improved executive function but also increased brain volume in older adults. The study showed that physical activity can help prevent age-related cognitive decline.

Overall, the scientific evidence suggests that physical activity is positively linked to executive function. Regular physical activity can improve cognitive control, memory, attention, and brain function. Therefore, incorporating physical activity into our daily routine can have significant benefits for our cognitive abilities as well as our physical health.

Exercise will prepare your brain for learning new information.  Play Attention will teach you the skills required for executive function and self regulation.  

Play Attention is exercise for the brain.  We will customize your neurocognitive training plan with a series of cognitive exercises designed to improve executive function and self regulation.

Click here to learn how we can customize your summer Play Attention program.